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with Koko Club | Premium ⭐️ Koala Moon

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Hi thanks for all you do! Could you possibly give a shout out to my daughters who listen? Eria (area) and Audrey.


Can you please shout out Bear and Winnie? 🐻💕 They listen every night!

Shout out please!!

Can you PLEASE give a shout out to Luke who listens every night !!

Shout outs

Where do you see the names of new koko clubbers? My daughter, named Brave, crosses her fingers each night hoping for a shout out. We’d love to hear one from you! ❤️

Shout out

Please could Abby give my daughter Tillia a mention in one of the next episodes. We've subscribed for a while now and she adores the stories. She will not go to sleep without listening. Thank you so much for the excellent writing, story telling and all round calmness you and the team bring to bedtimes 😊