Penny has just subscribed to her third year of Koko Club. She's a massive fan and her favourites over the years have been Dragons in the Supermarket, all of Potato and Beans adventures especially on Route 66, Hector and Sunny, Koko and Kira and Boba's Bubble Tea. She would absolutely love a shout out if you can manage it, along with her black cat and best friend Bagheera 🐈⬛. Thanks for everything you do, Penny and dad x
New subscriber- Sophia from Rhode Island US, would love a shout out please! We listen every night and it's become our favorite routine of the night. Sophia would be so excited to hear her shout out- I just subscribed tonight and she's expecting one tomorrow 😂 I told her the wait will be worth it!!!
You are the most amazing. I think my favorite characters might be Potato & Beans. I also like Pumpkin the Cat! My favorite episode is Sleepy Train or The Cats Pajama Party. I wrote this story. Can you please turn it into an episode? I love your podcast! 🩷💜 Potato and Beans make a birdhouse, and they don't get a bird inside. They get a dragon dog and a dragon cat living in it. The dragon dog is a dog, the same color as the desert sand, with light blue eyes, and dragon wings and horns. The dragon cat is a cat, the color of sand, with dark blue eyes, dragon wings, and dragon horns. The dragon cat and dragon dog are magical. They make magical new recipes for the potato and beans diner. One of the recipes is cosmic candy floss. The dog dragon cooks food with their fire breath. The cat dragon has ice breath and uses it to make a magical milkshake. The milkshake recipe gives you dragon wings to fly, but the flying doesn't last forever. By, Isabelle, age 9, Wisconsin
Hello Koko Club Team, We were wondering if we could have a shout out for Eilidh around the 21 April? She is turning 1 after coming 3 months early last year! We like to say she couldn’t wait to meet her big sister Elspeth. Her birthday is on Easter Monday this year, so we are hoping the Easter Bunny brings her a birthday gift too! We love your podcast and listen every night. Thank you, Kristen, Elspeth and Eilidh from Switzerland
Hello Abbe and team. My two daughters Ruby Moon (9) and Indigo Star (5) love two things, horses, and Swifty. They had a story collaboration where swifty goes to sweet pine ranch. It seems like a match made in heaven. I wonder if your writing team can make a new favorite happen. Thank you for all that you do and for helping us get to sleep.
Hi all, We so appreciate the work and dedication to helping kids sleep. Two months ago we were told we should expect to wait a month for a shout out but it hasn't come yet. We know you get a lot of requests but would definitely appreciate it when you can. Mia (7) & Zoë (10) listen from Long Island, New York. While Zoë enjoys the journey of sleepy leprechaun, Mia loves to see what is new. Some of her favorites are Koko goes to sleepy city and Father Christmouse. No matter what the story is, Mia & Zoë really enjoy the characters and stories that Abbe shares. Both girls enjoy making crafts, art, dancing, and reading. Zoë just finished acting in her school play & Mia is really enjoying creating her own art from the things she finds around the house. Thank you!!! The Shepherd Family
Hello Koala Moon, After being a long time listener, we decided to subscribe today (we accidentally subscribed yesterday to the other Apple podcast premium channel, not Koko club but I found the right subscription today) because our daughter Rosie loves your podcast so much. Your stories are so wonderful and she goes to bed to them every night. She was hoping that you might be able to mention her name as a new subscriber on an upcoming episode. Her name is Rosie (she’ll be 10 on April 14) and we live In California. Thank you, Doug and Stephanie, and most importantly Rosie.
Hello! My daughter Evvy and son Miles are huge fans and listen to Koko Club every evening before bed. Evvy would love to submit a story suggestion. Her suggestion is Koko Koala 🐨 is on family vacation in Mexico and meets a axolotl named Boba. Boba lives in Mexico and shows Koko a enchanted waterfall hidden in a secret forest in Mexico. Evvy loves axolotls and thought this might be a fun adventure to hear about! Best, Kim
Hi Abbe, Jenna and Koko! We just renewed our yearly membership (year 2!) because we love your podcast so much. My daughter Willow from NJ listens mostly everynight before bed. She really loves all the stories but especially Hector & Sunny and Potato & Beans. When shes having a paritculary hard time falling asleep we put on "the one that helps me fall asleep" (Koko goes Rockpooling) and shes asleep almost immediatly. A shout out would be much appreciated and maybe you can mention her 7th birthday? She said the other day she wishes Abbe would wish her a happy birthday. We explained it probably couldnt happen on her birthday (March 16th) but maybe after because there are so many messages Abbe gets! Thank you for all you do to add to the magic in our Willow's life.
Hi Abbe and Koko Club team! Amelia and Aiden from New Jersey just became yearly members, and are so excited to hear all of the new stories available to us. Thank you so much for these wonderfully crafted stories and characters. We listen every night! Kind regards, Andrew
Hi Abbe and the team, Thank you as always for your sleepy stories and soothing voice. We are returning subscribers and huge Koala Moon/ Koko Sleep fans from here in Australia. Please could I request a double birthday shoutout for our dreamy fairies, Iris and Seren, at the end of May/ start of June? I know you’re busy, so if possible, it would add such a sparkle to the birthday time! ✨ Thank you, Kat
Hello! My kiddos listen to Koala Moon every night, and would love a shout out please! We started listening over a year ago and I finally got around to upgrading as it’s become a treasured part of the bedtime routine! All the stories are enjoyed, but Potato and Beans and Hugo the Chef are beloved favourites! We would be so grateful for a shout out please (especially if any chance of a P&B or Hugo story!) for Kepler, Koda, and Adela in Eastbourne, UK. Thank you for the amazing stories!!
Hi there, I am resubscribing for my daughter Kara who has listened to kokoclub for over 3 years. I think I messed up last year and the shout out was given in my name! Kara spent the whole year listening for her name. Whoops. Is it possible she could have a shout out when our subscription renews on 20th Feb. We live in Hong Kong and Kara receives the subscription as part of her birthday present. She turned 9 a few days ago. Kara absolutely adores Koala’s and Taylor Swift so she particularly loves any episode with Koko and Swifty! Kara also has Cerebral Palsy and is a wheelchair user - she said she would love to hear some stories that include a wheelchair user just hanging out, crafting or creating art and doing things a little differently to their friends. Thank you!
Hello, my daughter Rachelle and I have been listeners for quite a while now. For Christmas a few years ago we subscribed and I figured that we got caught up in a numbers game of a ton of subscribers all at once and that’s why she didn’t get a shout out. Just now realizing we needed to make the request. Any chance you could give Rachelle a shout out? We’ve been subscribers for several years already so there is no rush, it would be such a surprise to hear her name on a show! Pronunciation is like “Ruh-shell” (often mispronounced as “Ray-chel” or Ro-shell) Thank you!