Ask Me Anything

with Koko Club | Premium ⭐️ Koala Moon

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Hi from Canada 🇨🇦

My name is Callum and my big brother is Brayden, we listen to you every night to go to bed, we can't wait to hear our names as new subscribers because we finally convinced mom and dad to subscribe. I would like to hear a story where Hector and Sunny meet Transformers (or other robot heroes) and my brother would like Hector and Sunny to meet a Hiund Dog named Bert (like our Grampys dog) who can fly using his big ears. We love Koko Sleep. Love Callum and Brayden

Hi from Canada

My name is Élodie. I’m 7 and live in Quebec, Canada. I listen to your stories every night. I’ finally convinced my mom to subscribe and would love to hear my name. Thank you!

No access on Spotify

Hi, I’ve subscribed and my Spotify account is linked but the stories are still locked when I try to listen on there. Please can you tell me how I listen so that I can play the stories through my daughter’s speaker. Thanks Bridie

A brother for Koko

Hi! My name is Henry and I live in the United States. I listen to koko sleep every night and it helps me fall asleep. I think koko should have a little brother. Maybe twin little brothers like mine. Thanks!

Story Idea: A Graceful Monkey

A Graceful monkey in Sleepy Forest by Margaret and I am six years old today