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with Koko Club | Premium ⭐️ Koala Moon

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Hi! I am Arianna. I live in Houston, Texas and I am 11 years old. I love Jupiter twins and Potato🥔 and Beans🫘. I can not wait to hear my shout out.

My 8 year old son, Max, has just joined as a yearly subscriber and wound be over the moon to get a shout out on a future episode. He's been listening for the past year and you've really transformed bedtime for all of us. We're in Canberra, the capital city of Australia. Thanks so much! We love your show and glad to be able support you to continue to do it. Love, Emily and Max

Shout out request

Hi Koko Club Team! We just bought the yearly premium subscription. Evelyn & Madeline from New Jersey, USA would love a shout out from Abbe! Thanks!

New members in Seattle!

Remy and Alma are happy to be new annual Koko Club members. Hello from Seattle! Kiddos are hoping for an episode where world-traveling characters are surprised to learn that they’re mermaids. Bonus if legos or unicorns or Pokemon are involved. Thanks!

Thank you Abbe for your docile tones! We love koala moon stories.

My daugther Matilda turned 7 today, and loves listening to the koko sleep stories. She is an animal lover, so all the characters in the stories are so dearly loved. Matilda lives with her younger brothers Jude and Reuben in Alice Springs, Australia. Thank you. Xx