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with Koko Club | Premium ⭐️ Koala Moon

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Shoutout please :)

We LOVE koko sleep!! We started listening a couple months ago and the results have been nothing short of amazing! My six year old son, Easton has had a hard time winding down to go to sleep for as long as I can remember! Your soothing voice and amazing stories have helped tremendously and he is out in a matter of minutes regardless of how hyper he is when we start an episode. Thank you so much for providing this wonderful podcast and making not only the littles drift to sleep!! we subscribed to a year of Coco sleep and Easton has been waiting for a shout out with every episode so if you could mention him he would be elated! Thank you so much again Abbe!!

Shout Out

Can you give a shout to Cooper who just joined Koko Club? Thanks!

Birthday shout out

Abbe, you just replied to me and I want to make sure you shout out my daughters name not me! “Aubree” is turning 5 may 3rd. Thank you SO much for this she is going to be so so excited!

New subscribers from Utah!

Hello from Utah! Sawyer(6) and Paisyn (4) have been loyal listeners every night during bedtime for the past year listening to the same stories over and over until finally convincing their parents to subscribe for all the episodes. Paisyn just turned 4 and Sawyer turns 7 in June. They have been asking about a shoutout for months and would be very excited & surprised to hear their names in a future episode. Thanks for all you do!

Birthday shout out

Aubree is turning 5 on may 3rd and would love a shoutout on an episode! She loves listening to koko every night we listen. She always asks if abbe will ever say her name💖