Ask Me Anything

with Koko Club | Premium ⭐️ Koala Moon

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Part of the KokoClub!!!

Hello! We are a nomad family traveling the United States in our 5th wheel. Our kids, Raegan (12), Grant (8) and Lyndon (6) are so excited to finally be a part of the Koko Club and would love a shoutout!! We have been listening to Abbe & Koko through spotify for the last year and decided to join the fun!

Shout-out request

Hello! I have just joined premium for my Koala moon mad kids, Mia 7 and Florence 5, from Cornwall, England, who would absolutely love a shout-out please ❤️ can't wait to listen to all the premium content, especially the cat related stuff!! 🙂

Do you know an Alice?

Hi Koko, I love listening to your stories every night. They help me sleep and often my mummy and pappa too. My name is Alice and I've been wondering for a while whether you have a friend who is also called Alice. I hope so. My favourite animals are cats, giraffes and penguins. Maybe your friend Alice might be one of those! Lots of love, Alice Wandel

What is Koko's favorite food?

Rosalie wants to know, what does Koko like to eat most of all? and also, how old is Koko? Rosalie's favorite food is watermelon and she's just about to turn 7!


Hi, we joined a while ago and my daughter is desperate to hear her name read out on the show. Her name is Rosie A(age 8). Could she please get a mention?