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Shout outs!

My kids, Evelyn, Dylan and Martha are really excited to get a shout out! We listen every day at bedtime. Thanks

Shout out to Aibhlinn

We love your sleepy stories and can't get enough of them! Please give a shout out to Aibhlinn in Oliver BC when you're able. Thank you!

RE: Shout out to Aibhlinn

Hello to Jenna the Content Director! Just following up to your quick response regarding the shout out for Aibhlinn. You are correct in the pronunciation of her special Gaelic name. We are looking forward to it. Thanks again!

Showt out my name barney Martin

Am I on your list 📝

shout out at beginning of podcast

How do I get my grandson's name mentioned at the beginning of one of the story time podcasts?